Friday, February 3, 2012


I just read Everneath by Brodi Ashton. I really like this book because it gives the character's story through flashbacks and the story itself. All in all it's a great book, and personally I cannot wait until the next book in the series to come out. Another thing, I really like the author's acknowledgments because they are humorous and you can tell that the author really enjoys writing and she likes her friends. 
In Everneath, Nikki Bennett wakes up not quite knowing what's going on and she is with a boy she doesn't quite know, let alone love. Although the feeders' memories become erased after the Feeding, Nikki's didn't and she has a chance to return home one last time to say goodbye to those she loves and cares about and to set things straight. The only problem is that she falls for her ex-boyfriend again and now she only has a few months left before she has to leave. Forever. 
By the end of the book, I was questioning everybody and I was rooting for the underdog. By the end, I was sobbing, and I was left craving more.

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